TrioTrain Data
Data Assumptions
TrioTrain and DeepVariant use several input file formats; however, all files must:
- exist before the execution of the pipeline
- be compatible with the reference genome provided to the pipeline
- be sorted and indexed
- contain only one sample per file
Required Raw Data
Reference Genome
- must be in
format - includes the corresponding
index file generated withsamtools faidx
and located in the same directory - includes the corresponding
file generated withpicard
and located in the same directory - (OPTIONALLY) includes the corresponding Sequence Data File (SDF) generated with
rtg-tools format
and located at the same path in a sub-directory called "rtg_tools" — required for calculating Mendelian Inhertiance Errors with testing genomes
- must be in
Aligned Reads File(s)
Benchmarking Variant File(s)
- also referred to as "truth genotypes", or "gold-standard genotypes"
- must be in in
format and compressed withbgzip
- includes a corresponding
index generated withtabix
and located in the same directory - excludes any homozygous reference genotypes and any sites that violate Mendelian inheritance expectations
Benchmarking Region File(s)
- also referred to as "callable regions"
- must be in
format - must be compatible with the specified reference genome
- compressed files will be decompressed
- use 0-based coordinates
Starting DeepVariant Model Checkpoint
- used for warm-start a new model initializing weights with a previous model
- can either be downloaded from Google Cloud Platform (GCP) or created previously by a prior TrioTrain iteration
Checkpoints consists of four (4) files all located in the same directory:
— defines which features to include as channels within the images given to DeepVariant intfRecord
Examples made with different channel(s), a different tfRecord shape, or a different DeepVariant version can be incompatible with your chosen starting model. Get details about model features compatible with TrioTrain, such as shape, version and channels here.
You can check the shape of a model's examples with:
jq '.' <model_name>.example_info.json
(OPTIONAL) Population Allele Frequencies
- must be in
format and compressed withbgzip
- includes a corresponding
index generated withtabix
and located in the same directory - genotypes should be removed
- must be in
Our automated, cattle-optimized GATK Best Practices workflow used to generate our input files automatically performs realignment and recalibration with Base Quality Score Recalibration (BQSR). BQSR is not required or recommended for using the single-step variant caller from DeepVariant, as it may decrease the accuracy.
However, re-training involves a small proportion of the total genomes processed by UMAG group (55 of 5,500+). Thus, removing BQSR would decrease the quality of the entire cohort's GATK genotypes used in other research. The impact of including BQSR in our truth labels was not evaluated further during TrioTrain's development.
TrioTrain-Specific Inputs
Configuring SLURM Resources
SLURM resources are handled by TrioTrain via a resource configuration file (.json
Example | Resource Config File
"make_examples": {
"partition": "hpc5,hpc6,BioCompute",
"nodes": 1,
"ntasks": 40,
"mem": 379067,
"CPUmem": 9000,
"time": "0-2:00:00",
"account": "animalsci",
"email": ""
"beam_shuffle": {
"partition": "hpc5,BioCompute",
"nodes": 1,
"ntasks": 40,
"mem": 379067,
"time": "0-2:00:00",
"account": "animalsci",
"email": ""
"re_shuffle": {
"partition": "BioCompute,Lewis",
"nodes": 1,
"ntasks": 1,
"mem": "200G",
"time": "0-10:00:00",
"account": "animalsci",
"email": ""
"train_eval": {
"partition": "gpu3",
"gres": "gpu:2",
"nodes": 1,
"ntasks": 16,
"mem": "0",
"time": "2-00:00:00",
"account": "animalsci",
"email": ""
"select_ckpt": {
"partition": "BioCompute,Lewis",
"nodes": 1,
"ntasks": 1,
"mem": 500,
"time": "0-00:30:00",
"account": "animalsci",
"email": ""
"call_variants": {
"partition": "hpc5,BioCompute",
"nodes": 1,
"ntasks": 40,
"mem": 379067,
"time": "2-00:00:00",
"account": "animalsci",
"email": ""
"compare_happy": {
"partition": "BioCompute,hpc5",
"nodes": 1,
"ntasks": 40,
"mem": "300G",
"time": "0-12:00:00",
"account": "biocommunity",
"email": ""
"convert_happy": {
"partition": "BioCompute,hpc3,hpc5,Lewis",
"nodes": 1,
"ntasks": 24,
"mem": "120G",
"time": "0-05:00:00",
"account": "biocommunity",
"email": ""
"show_examples": {
"partition": "BioCompute,Lewis",
"nodes": 1,
"mem": "1G",
"time": "0-02:00:00",
"account": "animalsci",
"email": ""
"summary": {
"partition": "hpc5,hpc6,Lewis",
"nodes": 1,
"ntasks": 4,
"mem": "40G",
"time": "0-10:00:00",
"account": "schnabellab",
"email": ""
Resource Config Format
Contains nested dictionaries in the following format:
{"phase_name": {
There are (8) required phases within TrioTrain's SLURM config file. Valid phase_names
for these include:
Additionally, there are (3) optional phase names for TrioTrain's supplementary analyes that include:
— for running TrioTrain in 'demo' modesummary_stats
— for calculating per-VCF stats for each test genomemie_summary
— for calculating Mendelian Inheritance Error rate in trio-binned test genomes
The value for each phase_name
is a nested dictionary that contains key:value pairs of parameters for running SBATCH job files. You can view valid SBATCH options in the SLURM documentation.
Example | Resource Config File
"make_examples": {
"partition": "hpc5,hpc6,BioCompute",
"nodes": 1,
"ntasks": 40,
"mem": 379067,
"CPUmem": 9000,
"time": "0-2:00:00",
"account": "animalsci",
"email": ""
"beam_shuffle": {
"partition": "hpc5,BioCompute",
"nodes": 1,
"ntasks": 40,
"mem": 379067,
"time": "0-2:00:00",
"account": "animalsci",
"email": ""
"re_shuffle": {
"partition": "BioCompute,Lewis",
"nodes": 1,
"ntasks": 1,
"mem": "200G",
"time": "0-10:00:00",
"account": "animalsci",
"email": ""
"train_eval": {
"partition": "gpu3",
"gres": "gpu:2",
"nodes": 1,
"ntasks": 16,
"mem": "0",
"time": "2-00:00:00",
"account": "animalsci",
"email": ""
"select_ckpt": {
"partition": "BioCompute,Lewis",
"nodes": 1,
"ntasks": 1,
"mem": 500,
"time": "0-00:30:00",
"account": "animalsci",
"email": ""
"call_variants": {
"partition": "hpc5,BioCompute",
"nodes": 1,
"ntasks": 40,
"mem": 379067,
"time": "2-00:00:00",
"account": "animalsci",
"email": ""
"compare_happy": {
"partition": "BioCompute,hpc5",
"nodes": 1,
"ntasks": 40,
"mem": "300G",
"time": "0-12:00:00",
"account": "biocommunity",
"email": ""
"convert_happy": {
"partition": "BioCompute,hpc3,hpc5,Lewis",
"nodes": 1,
"ntasks": 24,
"mem": "120G",
"time": "0-05:00:00",
"account": "biocommunity",
"email": ""
"show_examples": {
"partition": "BioCompute,Lewis",
"nodes": 1,
"mem": "1G",
"time": "0-02:00:00",
"account": "animalsci",
"email": ""
"summary": {
"partition": "hpc5,hpc6,Lewis",
"nodes": 1,
"ntasks": 4,
"mem": "40G",
"time": "0-10:00:00",
"account": "schnabellab",
"email": ""
Providing required data to TrioTrain
Input files are handled by the primary input file for TrioTrain, a metadata file in .csv
format. This input file includes trio pedigree information, and the absolute file paths for the local data you want to give DeepVariant.
Different metadata files are used to define different re-training approaches. For example, you can alter the order in which trios are given to DeepVariant by varying the row order in two different metadata files.
Metadata Assumptions
- The first row includes column headers which will become variable names within TrioTrain
- Each row corresponds to one complete family trio resulting in (2) re-training iterations, one for each parent
- Row order determines the sequential order of how trios seen by DeepVariant
- There are (24) REQUIRED columns that must be in the order specified in the Metadata Format section below
If the data are available, you can perform additional iterations of TrioTrain by adding rows for each additional trio.
Likewise, further test replicates can be achieved by adding columns in sets of three [BAM,TruthVCF,TruthBED
] for each additional test genome.
Minimum Data Required
At a minimum, the metadata file must provide absolute paths to the following input files:
TrioTrain performs two iterations of re-training, one for each parent in a trio which requires:
- Three (3) aligned read data
files, with the corresponding.bai
index. - Three (3) benchmark
files, with the corresponding.vcf.gz.tbi
index. - Three (3) benchmark region
- Three (3) aligned read data
TrioTrain tests the model produced for each iteration using a set of genomes previously unseen by the model. Ideally, these testing samples should consist of individuals outside of the family and requires:
- One or more (1+) aligned read data
files, with the corresponding.bai
index. - One or more (1+) benchmark
files, with the corresponding.vcf.gz.tbi
index. - One or more (1+) benchmark
- One or more (1+) aligned read data
Metadata Format
Column Number | Column Name | Description | Data Type |
1 | RunOrder | Sequential number for each trio | integer |
2 | RunName | A unique name for the trio's output directory | string without spaces |
3 | ChildSampleID | A primary, unique identifier for a child; must match the SampleID in the child’s VCF/BAM/BED files |
alpha-numeric characters |
4 | ChildLabID | A secondary, unique ID for a child ; default=ChildSampleID |
alpha-numeric characters |
5 | FatherSampleID | A primary, unique identifier for a father; must match the SampleID in the father’s VCF/BAM/BED files |
alpha-numeric characters |
6 | FatherLabID | A secondary, unique ID for a father; default=FatherSampleID |
alpha-numeric characters |
7 | MotherSampleID | A primary, unique identifier for a mother; must match the SampleID in the mother’s VCF/BAM/BED files |
alpha-numeric characters |
8 | MotherLabID | A secondary, unique ID for a mother; default=MotherSampleID |
alpha-numeric characters |
9 | ChildSex | The sex of the child, where F=female, M=male, U=unknown |
F , M , U |
10 | RefFASTA | The absolute path to the reference file | /path/to/file |
11 | PopVCF | The absolute path to the population allele frequency file; if blank, allele frequency information will not be included in the TensorFlow records during example image creation | /path/to/file |
12 | RegionsFile | a .bed file where each line represents a genomic region for shuffling; each shuffling region produce a set of file shards which depends upon the number of CPUs requested via SLURM; over-rides RegionShuffling if included |
/path/to/file |
13 | ChildReadsBAM | The absolute path to the child's aligned reads | /path/to/file |
14 | ChildTruthVCF | The absolute path to the child's truth genotypes | /path/to/file |
15 | ChildCallableBED | The absolute path to the child's callable regions | /path/to/file |
16 | FatherReadsBAM | The absolute path to the fathers's aligned reads | /path/to/file |
17 | FatherTruthVCF | The absolute path to the father's truth genotypes | /path/to/file |
18 | FatherCallableBED | The absolute path to the father's callable regions | /path/to/file |
19 | MotherReadsBAM | The absolute path to the mother's aligned reads | /path/to/file |
20 | MotherVCF | The absolute path to the mother's truth genotypes | /path/to/file |
21 | MotherCallableBED | The absolute path to the mother's callable regions | /path/to/file |
22 | Test1ReadsBAM | The absolute path to a test genome's aligned reads | /path/to/file |
23 | Test1TruthVCF | The absolute path to a test genome's truth genotypes | /path/to/file |
24 | Test1CallableBED | The absolute path to a test genome's callable regions | /path/to/file |
Adding more test genomes
Each additional testing genome can be supplied by adding three (3) more columns in the following order:
Column Number | Column Name | Description | Data Type |
25 | Test#ReadsBAM | The absolute path to a test genome's aligned reads | /path/to/file |
26 | Test#TruthVCF | The absolute path to a test genome's truth genotypes | /path/to/file |
27 | Test#CallableBED | The absolute path to a test genome's callable regions | /path/to/file |
The #
in Test#
does not correspond to the order each test is performed, as testing is performed in parallel. However, the number for each test genomes must be sequential to provide a unique label for output files.
TrioTrain Outputs
TODO: add a description here!