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Handling SLURM Job Failure

SLURM job re-submission works on (1) TrioTrain iteration at a time, to prevent duplicating any currently running jobs from other iterations.

Re-Submit Existing SBATCH

Occasionally, a SLURM job may fail randomly. For example, you may get an email with the following subject line:

SLURM Job_id=27671698 Name=examples-parallel-Father1-region4 Failed, Run time 00:20:27, NODE_FAIL

Individual SLURM jobs can be re-submitted using a previously made SBATCH file by adding the following flags:

  • --start-itr: tells TrioTrain which specific iteration to re-start (i.e. Father1 = 1, Mother1 = 2, etc.)
  • --restart-jobs: tells TrioTrain which job(s) to restart for a particular phase by providing a JSON-format string in '{"phase_name<:genome>": [job_index, job_index]}' format. If the list of job indexes includes a 0, TrioTrain will correct this to uses 1-based indexing to ensure that region1 or test1 jobs correspond to the first job index.


Re-submitting an upstream job, will re-submit all downstream jobs for that iteration. Re-submitting make_examples for Father-region1 will re-run nearly the entire iteration as the initial job will also trigger TrioTrain to re-submit beam_shuffle for Father-region1 followed by re_shuffle for Father. Re-shuffling will trigger train_eval, select_ckt, and call_variants, which then triggers compare_happy and convert_happy.

For the above example, run the following at the command line:

python3 triotrain/                                         \
    -g Father                                                               \
    --unmapped-reads chrUn                                                  \
    --est-examples 1                                                        \
    -m triotrain/model_training/tutorial/GIAB.Human_tutorial_metadata.csv   \
    -n GIAB_Trio                                                            \
    -r triotrain/model_training/tutorial/resources_used.json                \
    --num-tests 3                                                           \
    --output ../TUTORIAL                                                    \
    --start-itr 1                                                           \
    --stop-itr 2                                                            \
    --restart-jobs '{"make_examples:Father": [4]}'                          \
    --dry-run                                                               \
    --custom-checkpoint triotrain/model_training/pretrained_models/v1.4.0_withIS_withAF/wgs_af.model.ckpt

Re-Submit a New SBATCH

SLURM jobs may also fail due to insufficient resource requests, particularly the beam_shuffle or re_shuffle jobs. These jobs will require you to overwrite the existing SBATCH job file with new resources.

Individual SLURM jobs can be re-submitted easily using the two flags above with an additional flag:

  • --overwrite: tells TrioTrain to re-write a new SBATCH file and replace existing results files.


Using this flag for any upstream job will replace all exising downstream results. Use the --dry-run flag to confirm how this flag will behave prior to re-running any jobs.

python3 triotrain/                                         \
    -g Father                                                               \
    --unmapped-reads chrUn                                                  \
    --est-examples 1                                                        \
    -m triotrain/model_training/tutorial/GIAB.Human_tutorial_metadata.csv   \
    -n GIAB_Trio                                                            \
    -r triotrain/model_training/tutorial/resources_used.json                \
    --num-tests 3                                                           \ 
    --output ../TUTORIAL                                                    \
    --start-itr 1                                                           \
    --restart-jobs '{"make_examples:Father": [4]}'                          \
    --overwrite                                                             \
    --dry-run                                                               \
    --custom-checkpoint triotrain/model_training/pretrained_models/v1.4.0_withIS_withAF/wgs_af.model.ckpt

Including Currently Running Jobs

If you need to re-start a downstream job that needs to be contigent upon a currently running job, you can edit the --restart-jobs flag to include existing SLURM job numbers. For example, the following would re-submit compare_happy for test1, and create new SBATCH files for test2 and test3:

python3 triotrain/                                         \
    -g Father                                                               \
    --unmapped-reads chrUn                                                  \
    --est-examples 1                                                        \
    -m triotrain/model_training/tutorial/GIAB.Human_tutorial_metadata.csv   \
    -n GIAB_Trio                                                            \
    -r triotrain/model_training/tutorial/resources_used.json                \
    --num-tests 3                                                           \
    --custom-checkpoint triotrain/model_training/pretrained_models/v1.4.0_withIS_withAF/wgs_af.model.ckpt \
    --output ../TUTORIAL                                                    \
    --start-itr 1                                                           \
    --stop-itr 2                                                            \
    --restart-jobs '{"call_variants": [27669522, 2, 3]}'                    \
    --overwrite                                                             \
    --dry-run                                                               \
    --custom-checkpoint triotrain/model_training/pretrained_models/v1.4.0_withIS_withAF/wgs_af.model.ckpt

Last update: July 27, 2023